
So taking full advantage of Nan and Nonno’s adventure, Mom and Dad escaped for two quick weekends -leaving Jay and Bee to party in Singapore July in Da Nang and Central Vietnam… Got to stay in luxury in maybe the nicest hotel in the world – The Intercontinental Da Nang- stunning beach, beautiful villas on…

What’d I Miss?

 As most of you know, we recently took our first trip back to america, here’s how it went. The flight there Flight one On the flight to london from singapore, we first watched movies,* played games, and gradually fell asleep (but mostly didn’t get much, or any for some of us). after we woke up,…

Back to Reality

Late August and September After summer adventures all around SouthEast Asia…it was a bit hard to get back to the reality of school and work…but alas… Bee joined Jay at Hogwartz – and the sorting hat even put them in the same house (actually see pics in Summer Fun blog- we did actually get to…

Summer Fun!

This summer was fun and eventful! between going to camp and taking vacations we had a great time. we have made some posts about the other big adventures we have gone on this summer but now we are going to cover all the little things. July 16-20 drone camp the first camp we decided to…

A Birthday with Quokkas

To celebrate Jay’s 12th year on earth, we took an early morning ferry ride to Rottenest Island- a 1 hr ride from our Air B&B in Fremantle. A Dutch captain Willem de Vlamingh  after spending 6 days exploring the island in 1696 somehow mistakenly identified the fuzzy little creatures as rats- instead of the little creatures…