whooooooooo in the zoo

Today we went to the zoo. We didn’t do the whole thing because it is huge! Some of the coolest animals that we saw were the white tiger,  an otter, and the red butted monkey(those aren’t there real names i’m just making them up because that is what they look like) (except for the white tiger, that is it’s real name). The difference between this and the philly zoo is that the philly zoo only has animals in cages but this place has exotic animals in the open. For lunch we had guess what …………………. ben and jerry’s! Very fittingly I got chunky monkey flavor! You would think that  the monkeys and other animals would run away but they are trained not to (frankly, i don’t think they are trained i think they just like ben and jerry’s more than bananas!). Also we saw some really big monkeys swinging around the trees and some huge crocodiles swimming around. one of the funniest things we saw was a monkey with a giant nose. It was so weird but funny at the same time. We had a great time and will come back soon

cool turtles
weird pigs
the famous white tiger
red butt monkeys
