Flying through the skies, and rolling down a hill

Today was awesome!!!!!! Since it was stormy and windy we decided not to go on our boat tour and instead searched around for other options. We decided on zip-lining and zorbing (I’ll explain later). First we went zip-lining . We had to walk a little bit but it was worth it.  The course had 15 ziplines,  2 drops (the surprise and the elevator), 2 sky bridges and a hover board.  At first Bee was a little nervous, but by the 4th one he was “smiles for miles”  Our adrenaline junky Jay loved every minute of it.  On a few of the ziplines you could see all the way to the beach and ocean.  The longest zipline was 400 meters!  We even tried dabbing, making the Heisman pose, and flying like superman or a bird- or as Bee described Dad- a drunken camel swimming.



After the ziplining, we relaxed just for a bit on a funky beach (complete with Techno Music) called Paradise Beach next to the happening town of Pandang.  Then it was off for more adventure.  We tried out zorbing- rolling down in hill in a giant plastic ball filled just a bit with water.   To start the adventure, as it was cash only, Dad got a free ride on the back of a motorbike to a nearby ATM…Then the fun began- surprisingly they splashed us with water- I guess to cut down on the friction.  Then we jumped into the giant balls and with a push we were off- down the zig-zag track of course.  It felt like a giant slip and slide- as you immediately fell to the bottom of the ball and then you couldn’t even tell which way you were going.  Only last maybe a minute but what a ride!  Dad and Mom quit after the 1st run, but Jay and Bee did an 2nd roll!

Finished the night off back at the resort with an outdoor showing of Madagascar- what a night!