We’ve arrived!

17 hours SFO to SIN and we are all still holding it together (but barely)! The flight was uneventful and we all skipped dinner in favor of a good night sleep. Thank goodness for lay flat seats and eye masks!
Jay’s thoughts:
Hi! We have arrived at the Singapore airport and it was a very long flight. On the flight from SFO, me and Bee played chess for half an hour while we waited to take of, then we waited another 15 minutes to take off. When we were in the air and were at the right height, the seat belt light went off and we put our seats into bed position and slept. About 6 hours later, I woke up to find Dad awake and Bee and Mom asleep. I played on the screens for a while, and when Ben woke up, we watched Star Wars the Last Jedi. Then while Bee watched Jumanji, Welcome to the Jungle for the second time, I watched the Emoji Movie. It wasn’t as bad as I had heard but it was still (pardon the pun) meh. Ironically enough I can’t actually find the meh emoji to add here! Then I played video games for a while, had a snack (delicious apple pie and gummi bears), and then watched Cars 3 (which was surprisingly good). The weird part about the flight is that it was dark outside the windows the entire way.
Finally we landed in Singapore. We flew through immigration and our bags were waiting for us on the other side! Our driver friend met us after baggage and helped load our 14 bags into a 13-passenger van. We barely fit! We got in the car and drove to our apartment and the roads all were lined with trees and everywhere is amazingly clean. Singapore looks like the future of the whole world when it finally becomes conservation minded. Here’s some pictures from our apartment. I’ll take more later!

this is the airport! (brain explodes)
After we arrived at our apartment we went out to explore the nearby malls (notice the plural). We live a short walk away from the main shopping district of all of Singapore. we also went shopping in a really cramped  store where we saw this…
We went to an amazing restaurant that served really good breakfast food.
What I got and it was amazing!!!!!
The Canadians must be watching us!
Later we went swimming twice. We tried to go to the pool table but were told that only people over 15 can play. Later we went back up to the apartment and struggled to stay awake because the time change is so weird. Also one other weird thing is that the light switches for the bathrooms are on the outside(?).



  1. Nan and Nonno says:

    Hey there Jay & Bee!
    Those are some tall buildings! Cool perspectives in your images! Are those miniature trees or is your apartment in the clouds?! Do any birds flitter around those high rises? It must look pretty cool at night amid all those city lights. Bet there are some good places to see sunsets, too! Can’t wait to read more and see more photos!
    PS – If you can’t find that meh emoji, I can send a photo of a Nonno!

  2. Paul Lavallee says:

    Looks beautiful, Jay and Bee. Enjoy and keep sending pictures!

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