A Birthday with Quokkas

To celebrate Jay’s 12th year on earth, we took an early morning ferry ride to Rottenest Island- a 1 hr ride from our Air B&B in Fremantle. A Dutch captain Willem de Vlamingh  after spending 6 days exploring the island in 1696 somehow mistakenly identified the fuzzy little creatures as rats- instead of the little creatures Mom fell in love with- the quokkas.  We rented bikes on the island and rode up some serious hills to beautiful coastline views and our 1st encounters with the smiley little quokkas.  Saw some remains of an old shipwreck, and even peddled to the Pink Lakes, where we had a great view of one of the two lighthouses on the island.

Back in the village, had a great meal of fish and chips right on the shore and then ran into some trouble trying to celebrate Jay’s birthday.  Mom had brought the number “12” candles and found cupcakes.  Unfortunately as she exited the bake shop a pesky seagull attacked- eating one of the cupcakes and stealing the “2” candle.  Nonetheless we had a birthday celebration- with 5 quokkas standing nearby.  (A few peacocks even joined in)…We finished our day on the island with aride to the 2nd lighthouse and then mini-golf!  A great little course- and you guessed- we had to let at least 3 quokkas play through.

Back in Fremantle we continuted the birthday with a good Italian meal, Ben & Jerry’s for desert and a bit of rugby on the TV.



One Comment

  1. Nan and Nonno says:

    See gull?! Watch out! Gull like cupcake- just like on Beaches here! Great scenery…not like our local Beaches! And so glad there was mini-golf! How’d you do??

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